When you start celebrating the small moments on your journey you will stay motivated, feel less overwhelmed, and feel more positive. Click to find ways to celebrate the small moments!
My One Year Blog & Sustainable Lifestyle Update for 2020
Well, I’ve done it. It’s been a year since I set my New Years resolutions for 2020 and for the most part I’ve stuck to them. It’s been a year of blogging, sustainable life choices, and prioritizing my personal health. All of which will continue to be prioritized in my life as we enter into 2021. I wanted to take this time to give an update on the year of 2020 with the Creative and Ambitious blog and with the sustainable lifestyle choices I’ve made. In case you missed it, check out my 2020 resolutions here: https://creativeandambitious.com/2020-resolutions/ The Creative and Ambitious Blog – Year One As for the blog, this…
How to Make a Vision Board
This post is to guide you through making a vision board. Vision boards can be extremely helpful when you’ve hit a creative rut. I find myself turning back to them every now and then. It may seem like just some magazine clippings on a poster board but the final product is much more than what you can see. Its focus and vision. It shows where you want to be and how you will get there. By now hopefully you are fired up to get started with your vision board. I like to start by gathering my materials like magazines, spare craft paper cuttings, and tape. For an Eco-friendly version consider…
Build Your Future by Setting and Achieving Goals
Setting goals is essential to building the life you want. That’s right. I’m here to teach you how to build your life and your future. Wanting something simply isn’t enough. You need to take action to bring yourself closer to achieving your goals. I believe everyone should be a builder; building a better future for yourself and for your loved ones. You are the only person that has the power to change your life. 10 Years from Now. . . Take a moment to think of where you want to be 10 years from now. I know that’s a long time from now! Maybe you’re sipping coffee in a beautiful…