Life,  Sustainable

How to Make Reusable Cotton Rounds for Removing your Makeup

At the beginning of the year, one of my resolutions was to make sustainable swaps. The goal is to swap wasteful things I use everyday to more environmentally friendly versions. I made a set of 12 rounds with some extra flannel fabric I had at home. There are pictures along the way to show my progress!

Step #1

Start out by using the end of a cleaning bottle to stencil circles. This bottle should be a little bigger than the size of cotton rounds you are trying to make. I drew out 24 total. By making the circles a little bigger than needed, you will have extra on the edges for your seams. After drawing all the circles, cut them out.

Step #2

After all 24 circles are cut out match the bold sides together. The dull sides of the fabric should be faced outward. This way they can be sewn inside out first. In the picture below, the two on the left show the rounds matched up inside out.

Step #3

Begin sewing. The photo below shows the stitch line to follow while the rounds are inside out. Be sure to leave a gap about the size of a thumb width. This will allow you to turn it right side out later. The teal arrow in the image shows the recommended gap size.

Step #4

Pictured below you can see the seam completed. Before you continue you can snip the extra strands of string to keep your project neat and clean.

Step #5

Next you will want to turn your circle right side out. If your first attempt looks like the one pictured below, use a marker to shape your circle. Insert the marker in the opening and push on the seam lightly until you have a nice round circle.

By the next step, your circle should look like the one below.

Step #6

Next, you will want to fold the edges of the fabric that is not sewn into the circle. It should look like the image below. By enclosing these edges, you will prevent your rounds from fraying or unraveling after you wash them.

Step #7

Now you will sew a seam around the outside of your round. Start your seam with the un-sewn section to ensure it aligns and secures the edges. By sewing this second seam, you can make your rounds hold together longer enabling you to reuse it over and over again!

Step #8

After you sew all the way, around be sure to overlap where you started sewing for a stronger seam. Once you have done that, all that is left to do is trim the excess string. Now your first round is complete!

Step #9

Repeat this process 11 more times. In the end you’ll have a dozen reusable cotton rounds to help you transition into a less wasteful lifestyle! My finished round is pictured below.

As you can see, I’m not the best at sewing circles but I have 11 more to practice on!

These sets make great presents if you have a friend or family member switching to a more sustainable lifestyle! Just add a ribbon ❤

Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions or comments please write them below. I hope you have a great day!

Until next time,

Sarah Elizabeth

For more ways to live a sustainable lifestyle, check out my post: Ways I Want to Waste Less.

I love travelling, taking pictures, drinking coffee, and writing. I want to spread positivity and curiosity through all that I do. In 2019, I lived in Scotland for a year and that is where my love for adventure stems. Stay Creative and Ambitious ❤